MindInventory created captivating design elements that communicated Voung's brand identity and values, focusing on visual storytelling. From color schemes to typography, every component of the UI/UX design was carefully chosen to elicit emotions and connect with the audience, resulting in a memorable and immersive experience. By selecting captivating colors, harmonious tones, and modern fonts like Azonix Regular and SF UI Text, Mindinventory did the design and UX part to help the brand stand out for all the right reasons.
MindInventory added interactive product visualization features to Voung's app, allowing users to explore apparel and accessories in depth. Users could explore products in greater detail with features such as zoom-in capabilities, 360-degree views, and interactive galleries, increasing their purchasing confidence and overall brand satisfaction.
Recognizing the significance of mobile browsing, MindInventory used a responsive and mobile-first design approach for Voung. From smartphones to tablets, the interface adjusts fluidly to all screen sizes and devices, ensuring a consistent and optimized experience for customers on the go.
MindInventory emphasized simple navigation and accessibility to ensure consumers could easily browse Voung's collection and discover new offerings. By streamlining the architecture and structure of the digital platforms, we reduced friction points and increased usability, allowing consumers to locate what they're searching for quickly and without difficulty.
Increase in daily active users
Increase in average order value
Increase in repeat purchases