health fitness app

Health and Fitness App Development: Must Have Features and Cost Estimation

Health and fitness are predominantly the buzzwords today. People take resolutions to stay fit and active. Probably many pledges that they would maintain a healthy diet and would take every step to cut overweight.

Maybe, you are one who is very determined to visit the gym from next day or go out for a jogging session, but unfortunately, that tomorrow hardly arrives. And the reason cited is a lame excuse – didn’t find adequate time to visit the gym due to a busy schedule.

Well, even this problem has been sorted out too much extent; all thanks to the mobile app development industry. At a time when most of the individuals are hooked into their smartphones, the health apps have become their daily gym instructor or coach, whatever you may call it.

According to a recent research, it has been found that the use of health and fitness apps have increased by 330% during the last three years. Further, the report states that about 75% of the uses go through the fitness apps at least twice a week and the rest 25% navigate these apps 10 times a week!

mhealth app revenue

If we talk about the revenue generation, then according to a study, the market associated with fitness apps is expected to grow up to $31 billion by 2020 from $10 billion.

In fact, these are the encouraging figures that propelled Google and Apple; two of the toughest competitors to come up with Google Fit and Apple Health App. In the last two to three years, there has been a significant upsurge in the number of health and fitness apps.

It won’t be wrong to mention that the wearable devices such as the Smartwatches and likewise other gadgets have also paved the way for an increment in the demand of such apps. It is because the Smartwatch like smartphone help in monitoring the health.

Types of Health and Fitness Apps

If you also keenly interested in getting developed a health and fitness app similar to Fitbit, then go on reading further. However, before that, we need to know four different types of health and fitness apps:

  • Apps for tracking activities
  • Apps for physical workout and exercises
  • Apps for monitoring diet and nutrition
  • Yoga and meditation app

Activity Tracking App

As the name implies, it basically helps in tracking the physical activities of the individual such as walking, jogging, cycling, running, swimming and so on.

fitness tracking app

The motion sensors attached with the smartphone provides accurate data as to how much distance the user has covered while walking, running or cycling, the number of steps he has ascended, how much calories have been burnt in this process etc. The uses can set their own fitness and activity regime based on the results of the data.

Apps for Exercise and Workout

These apps can perform the role of a gym instructor as they are developed for more or less similar purpose. Thus, they are more than useful for people who don’t have enough time to visit gym due to a busy schedule.

All you have to do is log in to your account and you can avail all information about the various weight training exercises and workout for stimulating the strength of the muscles.

In addition, if you want to curb your weight, then this health and fitness app has been custom-made for you. You will get proper instructions on how to perform a particular exercise same and how to schedule a weight loss program.

Read also: How Can HealthKit and Google Fit be Used for Healthcare and Fitness App Development?

Diet and Nutrition App

It is rightly said that you can only gain health and fitness when you follow a balanced diet and nutrition chart. People complain about eating unhealthy food and failing to check cholesterol and blood sugar.

diet app

Diet and nutrition app performs all such activities and also monitor the amount of water intake in a day. It will act as your personal dietician and help in following a strict diet plan.

Yoga and Meditation App

Yoga and meditation are comprehensively the two most vital activities that needs to be compulsorily performed to stay fit and fine.

Here usually the yoga and meditation app will hold demonstrations on how to do various pranayama and asana. Meditation brings peace of mind and relaxes the entire body.

got app idea

Top Features to Include in Health and Fitness App

We have discussed the different types of health and fitness apps in some detail. Now, let’s see the vital features to include when developing health and fitness app.

1. The Registration Process

O.K. first you need to create a user account through which a person can register with the app. Here the user will just have to type his name, mobile number and email id. The verification code will be sent to the concerned number and user is registered.

2. Building a User Profile

This is the second important step where the user tends to enter his personal information such as his weight, height, age, gender body type, whether he is allergic to something, if he is diabetic or has any other medical concern etc.

3. Linking the App with Social Media

It is not always necessary that a user wants to log in into an account through his email. He might not want to disclose it. So, you can also provide him other options such as logging through social media platforms like Facebook, Google+, and Twitter etc.

If the account is linked up with the social media platforms, it will help the users to publish their results after using the app and also they can search out for other valuable information.

4. Connecting App with Wearable Devices

The app developers have to keep in mind that mere developing the health and fitness app for the mobile device will not solve their purpose. It is essential that the app should be connected with other external devices specifically with the wearable devices so that the users can track their activities and exercise routines more easily.

5. Keeping a Track Record of Workout or Diet Plan

The main function of the app is assisting the user in his day-to-day physical activities.  It will maintain a record of distance traveled by walking, running, cycling and so on. Apart from that, the app will also show how much calories have been burnt, how much kilos or pounds have been reduced and many feet or centimeters the user’s height has increased. All data collected in the cloud base goes into the fitness stores.

Apart from that it also helps in preparing a meal plan in accordance with the weight and calorie requirement of the body. You can fix your own exercise schedule according to your convenience. And this is not all! The user can also plan his customized schedule personally.

6. The Facility of Geolocation

Well, geolocation has undoubtedly one of the most essential features of almost all mobile apps and therefore, the health and fitness app cannot be excluded.

Now, how does the geolocation help in this case? It keeps monitoring the directions and routes you are following while you go for the walk or cycling. You can know your exact location.

Read also: Benefits of Having Geolocation in Your Mobile App

7. The Push Notification Option

The health and fitness apps always keep you motivating to achieve your goal and so, they set up reminders when you have to go for a workout or a jogging session.

It does not let you miss out your important exercise schedule or skip put a meal. Besides, if there is any new addition in the feature of the app, it lets you know.

8. Adding the Live Video Tutorials

Well, if you can add some live streaming video tutorial option into the app such as offering important tips on how to work out on a particular part of the body or the correct method of doing pushups, then it will give you many added advantages.

Individual users will benefit from such videos and you can also utilize it to promote your app.

9. Buying Equipment and Health Drinks

You can also provide the facility to the users the option of buying certain small gym equipment and supplementary health drinks. They don’t have to visit some other app for that purpose. This will save their time and you can earn some money.

10. The Payment Options

Although most of the services offered in health and fitness app are for free, but there are some chargeable services too. And if you are selling health drinks and equipment, then it becomes necessary to add this option.

So, make the payment option convenient and offer different options such as paying through bank, wallet transfer or payment via card.

11. Some other Benefits or Additional Features

The health and fitness app also offers some other added benefits or useful features. For instance, you can have a direct chat with the gym instructors and fitness coaches to keep motivated. Apart from that, you can add some music for playing during the workout session.

Read also: How Mobile Health Apps Proving to be a Boon for the Patients

The Admin Panel

We had discussed about what vital features need to be included from the user’s point of view in the fitness app. But, we also need to know what features are pivotal for the admin panel.

1. Creating a Dashboard

The dashboard is supposed to be one place where all the records of the users are stored and the admin also can keep a track of the live sessions.

2. Loyalty Programs and Rewards

It is necessary to maintain your existing loyal users and so you need to launch loyalty programs and rewards for them. It will also act as an important marketing or promotional tool.

3. Record of the Payment

The admin has to keep a record of payment received from the users and also he has to pay to the gym trainers for offering live sessions.

The Backend Development

The backend of the app should be developed powerfully so that it can navigate smoothly without getting hanged up. Also, it should run seamlessly on all kinds of devices. For the cloud storage you need a powerful server. You can choose your own server or some other.

Attractive UI/UX

The user experience and user interface both are integral part of the development process. The UI should be simple and it should not be confusing. You need to choose the colors and designs very carefully.

Every detail given in the app must be clear and concise. If you have to enhance the user experience, then you have to provide better content delivery networks (CDNs) services.

Read also: Importance of UI/UX Design in Mobile App Development

The Team Composition

Normally, when we talk about the team composition or structure developing a mobile app, it is more or less the same. It basically comprises of a project manager who guides the team members.

Besides, there are app developers for Android and iOS or both depending on the choice of the platform, the backend and frontend developers, the UI and UX designers and lastly the testers for testing the app.

mobileapp development team

Time Taken for Health and Fitness App Development

As far as time is concerned, it is difficult to provide an exact estimate as it depends on the option of platform, process opted by developers, their knowledge and so on.

But usually, an estimate is around 1200 to 1500 hours taking into account all the procedures needed to develop the fitness app. For example, for the documentation it may take up to 40 hours, the designing requires 50 to 70 hours, 200 hours each for frontend and backend, 100 hours for testing and so on.

How Much Does it Cost to Develop a Health & Fitness App

No accurate amount can be fixed for developing a health and fitness app. The cost of the app varies largely upon the company you are hiring. However, the rough estimate is around $30,000 to $40,000. However, you will have to consult the App Development Company to get the appropriate budget estimate.


The health and fitness apps are the need of time and most people who don’t have time to go to gym or fitness center will bank upon it more and more. However, you have to be very precise when you are adding the features into the app.

Creating such types of apps can be a challenging task for the developers because on one front they have to attract users through features and on the other offer seamless experience.

If you are searching for a viable health and fitness app development company, then you are at the right place. Contact Us today!

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Beant Singh Duggal is the VP of Sales and a powerhouse of sales strategy and client engagement. With almost two decades of experience working in sales, he has a deep understanding of market dynamics and exceptional negotiation skills. Outside of work, he is a fitness and fashion enthusiast with an admiring and positive aura - everyone would like to have him in a circle.